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Career Opportunities

Digital skills are fast becoming essential in the workplace. Your exposure to a wide range of digital methods and tools, combined with knowledge of the humanities and critical thinking will open the doors of a wide range of industries: IT, banking & finance, education & training, entertainment and culture, advisory and consulting, public service, etc. You may work as a data analyst, a content strategist, a user experience designer, an education technologist, a digital media producer, or yet you will create a position that did not previously exist. Your ability to think outside of the box will prove especially useful in start-ups and innovation-driven businesses. Museums and cultural institutions will also appreciate your plural background, and your ability to interact effectively with experts from diverse horizons, be they engineers, artists or scholars. Further, companies expect new employees to quickly be operational, which can make the transition from university challenging. This is where your hands-on experience, past projects and internship will shine, and depict you as ready to tackle concrete new challenges.

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